i 12 with > 90 % PCR

A sustainable connection

The i 12-L GL consists of at least 90 % Post-Consumer Recyclate (PCR). This is plastic that is produced from plastic waste from end users. The use of PCR material not only demonstrably reduces environmental pollution, but also preserves valuable resources. By using post-consumer recyclate, we can reduce our ecological footprint by at least 40 % compared to conventional i 12-L materials - without having to compromise on quality and functionality. The i 12-L GL is a further step by Spelsberg towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. The new series from Spelsberg therefore makes a positive contribution to our environment while maintaining the same product quality.


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Facts about the sustainable junction box

Recycled material to preserve resources

  • Step 1: As the term post-consumer recyclate implies, the recycling process begins with the end user. This is where the product is used and then disposed of.
  • Step 2: When disposing of waste, it is important that it is managed and separated correctly to allow recycling in the most energy-efficient way possible.
  • Step 3: Once it arrives at the processing plant, treatment of the waste can commence. This takes place in a number of individual steps in which the material is sorted and professionally cleaned. The segregated plastic waste can then be reused.
  • Step 4: In the case of PCR granules, which are used to produce the new , for example, the collected transparent packaging films are compacted and then ground using a granulator. The ground raw material is then compounded to produce the finished recyclate using an extruder. In doing so the plastics are turned into the specified, granulated form.
  • Step 5: The finished PCR plastic granulate is then delivered to Spelsberg and moulded into the correct shape by our plastics experts. Continuous monitoring by our quality professionals ensures that the strict requirements placed on the product properties are always met. The result is another usable products, the i 12-L .
  • 6. Schritt: The end user can now utilise the i 12-L GL in the desired area of application.

A good decision for you
and for the environment

A sustainable junction box made from at least 90% PCR

By employing secondary raw materials such as PCR for the manufacture of new products, existing raw materials that have been created through a recycling process are utilised. Recycling prevents new raw materials having to enter the cycle. In addition to preserving natural resources, recyclates can also help to reduce environmentally harmful greenhouse gases. In the case of our i 12-L GL we save at least 40% of the CO2 compared to the conventional i 12-L, based on material usage.

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CO2 savings of at least 40% based on the material

By using secondary raw materials such as PCR, the production of new products is based on existing raw materials resulting from a recycling process. Recycling prevents new raw materials having to enter the cycle. In addition to preserving natural resources, recyclates can also help to reduce environmentally harmful greenhouse gases. In the case of our i 12-L GL we save at least 40% of the CO2 compared to the conventional i 12-L, based on material usage.

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A sustainable decision from raw material to packaging

Like the classic i 12-L, the i 12-L GL is available in the packaged "series". The packaging film consists of at least 40 % post-industrial recyclate, or PIR. The label on the film is made from 95% sugar cane fibre and 5% hemp and linen and is therefore made from 100% renewable raw materials. The cardboard box in which the GreenLine is supplied was not bleached during the manufacturing process, which can lead to energy and resource savings compared to conventional cardboard production. The label, which in turn identifies the cardboard, consists of 99% recycled fibers.

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Same quality - significantly more sustainable: A Spelsberg quality product through and through

As you have come to expect from our Spelsberg quality products, you do not have to sacrifice tested product characteristics with GreenLine. The safety of our products is paramount and is proven by various tests and certificates. The i 12-L GL - like the conventional i 12-L - is of course VDE-certified.
Neither is the sustainable junction box in any way inferior to its predecessor in terms of other product features. Both versions have IP55 and IK07, so that the areas of use and the applications do not change.

Product details

Familiar application

Sustainable installation


The i 12-L GL offers the same product features as the conventional i 12-L.
The dimensions of the sustainable junction box are also exactly the same.
This means you do not have to change your usual day-to-day handling and working methods.
For a sustainable connection and environmentally conscious applications.


More about the product

What exactly is recyclate?

What exactly is recyclate?

According to the Closed Substance Cycle and Waste Management Act (Section 3 (7b)), recyclate is defined as follows: secondary raw materials that have been obtained through the recovery of waste or are generated during the disposal of waste and are suitable for the manufacture of products.

Plastic recyclate or recycled plastics are therefore plastics that are made from plastic waste that has been used at least once before and then disposed of again. A plastic recyclate is therefore a secondary raw material that is produced from recycled plastic waste. This can come from the end user (post-consumer waste) or from industrial waste (post-industrial waste). Waste is therefore absolutely necessary in order to be able to actually produce recyclate. Some types of plastic can be recycled very easily, as the technical requirements are met by the recycling material streams specific to these, e.g. PE (polyethylene), PP (polypropylene), PS (polystyrene) or PET (polyethylene terephthalate).


How does the waste reach the companies that produce the secondary raw material?

In Germany, for example, this is achieved using the yellow bag or yellow bin, which consumers use to dispose of bottles, bags, film and other packaging materials. In this way, the end user can also make a small contribution to plastic recycling by separating waste correctly. Another recycling method, for example, uses injection moulding waste from the production of plastic items.

Why is recyclate (so much) better for the environment?

By using secondary raw materials such as PCR, the production of new products is based on raw materials that already exist and are the result of a recycling process. Recycling prevents new raw materials having to enter the cycle. In addition to preserving natural resources, recyclates can also help to reduce environmentally harmful greenhouse gases. In the case of our i 12-L GL we save at least 40% of the CO2 compared to the conventional i 12-L, based on material usage.

What are the differences between post-consumer recyclate (PCR) and post-industrial recyclate (PIR)?

As described in the explanation of recyclate, there are various sources of supply for recycled plastics. PCR is obtained from plastics from all of us, so to speak, e.g. from the yellow bag or the yellow bin. PIR, or post-industrial recyclates, are obtained from industrial waste from plastics companies, i.e. business operations.

Of what exactly is the PCR that Spelsberg uses for the i 12-L GL made, and how is it produced?

The PCR used for the box bases of our sustainable i 12-L GreenLine junction box is obtained from clear or transparent packaging film. 
The cover material consists of post-consumer injection moulded articles or, to put it another way, injection moulded waste. All materials used come from PCR waste streams.
The films and injection moulded waste come from EU countries and Bulgaria.

How does the recycling process work?

Once the plastic waste has been sorted by type and professionally cleaned, it is recycled. In the case of PCR granules, which are used to produce the i 12-L GreenLine, for example, the collected clear or transparent packaging films are compacted and then ground using a granulator. The ground raw material is then compounded to produce the finished recyclate using an extruder. In doing so the plastics are turned into the specified, granulated form.

  1. End user disposes of product after use
  2. Disposal / recycling of waste by separating it correctly
  3. Processing companies prepare plastic waste professionally and to the highest standards
  4. PCR granulate as a recycled product
  5. Spelsberg manufactures i 12-L GreenLine from PCR granulate
  6. The usual quality is maintained for end users employing the i 12-L GreenLine
How is the quality of the recyclate assured?

In 2012, the Europe-wide European Certification of Plastic Recyclers (EuCertPlast) scheme came into force, which is based on the EN 15343:2007 standard for Plastics. Recycled plastics. Traceability of plastics recycling and assessment of conformity and recycled content. The certification scheme places particular emphasis on the traceability of the plastic materials used throughout the entire recycling process and supply chain. The focus is therefore on the quality of the recyclate, which is why the EuCertPlast certificate has established itself as recognised proof of high recycling standards.


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